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Standard Module: promise

To use the promise module and the Promise interface in a HipHop program, import the JavaScript module with:

import { promise, Promise } from "@hop/hiphop/modules/promise.js";

The promise HipHop module maps JavaScript promises to HipHop signals. It enables to spawn a JavaScript promise which upon resolution or rejection emits a HipHop signal.


The Promise interface declares the following HipHop signals:

promise(duration) implements Promise

A HipHop promise module is an asynchronous tasks that run in the background of the application. When it resolves or rejects, it emits its signal value. Example:

// emits v with the value { resolve: "yep", reject: false }
run promise(new Promise((res, rej) => res("yep")))) { v as value }; 

Example: promise-mod.hh.js

import * as hh from "@hop/hiphop";
import { promise } from "@hop/hiphop/modules/promise.js";
import { format } from "util";

hiphop module prg(resolve) {
   out STATUS;
   signal v;

   fork {
      run promise(new Promise((res, rej) => res(45))) { v as value };
   } par {
      await (;
      emit STATUS(v.nowval.res);

   pragma { resolve(false); }

export const mach = new hh.ReactiveMachine(prg);
mach.outbuf = "";
mach.debug_emitted_func = emitted => {
   mach.outbuf += format(emitted) + "\n";
mach.batchPromise = new Promise((res, rej) => mach.init(res));



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